Friday, October 17, 2014

Still Learning the Language

October 13, 2014

Hi Familie!!!

The pictures from home are awesome!! I'm so happy you guys are having such a fun time back home. The leaves are awesome! It's great that Sears called Cierra back too! I pray for you guys every day and everything is going great here!

We've been working a ton at Mona's and we are almost done building another patio in her back yard. It looks really good, but it's a ton of work. The Lord is definitely helping us. Ik ben so blij van jullie. We went to Naomi and Jos's last night and Naomi said she would get baptized!!! Jos is still looking for his answer as he prays and studies the Book of Mormon and the Bible. So cool though. It's awesome that they're accepting the Gospel and finding out for themselves which is great.

We are teaching a woman who is from Croatia and she has a family, but they don't want anything to do with God. We are really pushing eternal families and hopefully we can meet with the entire family soon. We are going to visit an investigator tonight to see how he's doing. He has a drug problem, but he feels the Spirit when we come over and we're going to try to help him. We're going to the Batavia with the zusters (sisters) vandaag (today), for p-day. I'll take a ton of pics. It's a really old ship that we pay 11 euros to go on and look around. Can't wait! It's getting colder here and I'll get a coat soon. I may get boots, but I’m not sure. I think we get iPads in December.

Love you guys so much! Ik houd van de werk heer en ik houd van jullie so heel vele. Ik weet dat het evangelie van Jezus Christus waar is, en ik ben so dankbar for de gelekenheid om ik heb te dienen de heer. I don't know if my grammar is correct, but it's a simple testimony. I can understand a bit better when people speak now, but I'll understand a sentence and they'll have already said two more sentences. My collega Elder Warner is awesome and helps me out a lot. Funny moment this week: We were “ alleen standing” which is when all the single members in our ward get together. The missionaries come too and I gave a small spiritual message/thought at the end. When I began I said “Ik heb a klein boodschap voor jullie" which literally translates to “I have a small message for you all" but in Dutch it is slang for “I have to pee.” Everyone laughed and I didn't know why. Then Elder Warner told me what it meant. It was really funny.

My birthday was awesome and we celebrated it at a member’s house. The sisters gave me a scarf and sweets, and Elder Warner got me a tie! They're so cool. Love you guys so much!!!! I'll send a ton of pictures next week! 


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